The Blue Heaven site is filled with rich Key West history. Previously named the Dade County Pine Structure, the building started out selling spirits to locals around townand the Florida Keys. Over the years the site changed hands and hosted cock fighting, gambling, and even Friday night boxing matches refereed by Ernest Hemingway himself. It's second floor has been everything from a dance hall to a bordello to even a playhouse. Outside a paved courtyard was built to hold slate pool table tops as place to play billards for an ice-cream parlor. Needless to say the building had a rich history in the Key west community tapestry.
The building became the Blue Heaven eatery in 1992 with nothing but some gardening tools and Mom's church cookbook. The new owners, Suanne and Richard were living in a house boat at the time and would motor in everyday to spruce up their new restaurant. On September 19th they served their first lunch of black beans, rice and fish under their tropical almond tree. About a year and a half later owner Richard convinced his chef brother Dan down to their restaurant. Dan took over their restaurant's dinner and bringing their restaurant to what it is today.
Today the head Chef is David Dorsty who has spent most of his life in Florida Keys, learning the unique flavor combinations of the area. David is passionate about locally grown ingredients with a farm to table attitude. He brings that passion to Blue Heaven and the food it makes. Their dinner menu includes signature dishes such as Yellowtail Snapper, Cajun Carribean BBQ Shrimp, Florida Spiny Lobster, Filet Mignon, and Heritage Pork Tenderloin.
Whether you are a local or on vacation Blue Heaven is a must visit for it's rich history and deliciously locally food.